Friday, May 6, 2011

tribute to a hat pt. 1

i am an avid collector of hats, and have chosen the next few sessions to show off my favorites. i show this one first, not because it is my most or least favorite of the favorites, but because it just happened to be the one i wore today.

Where I got it: a hat shop (actual hat shop, the first i'd ever been in) on the top floor of the Crown Center (a mall sponsored by Hallmark) in Kansas City where my school choior performed a few weeks ago after miraculously getting my voice back following a horrible sickness.

Why I love it: it's so strange and unusual, sort of a mad cross between a fedorah and a tophat, my two favorite hat types, and it's plaid, which is my second-favorite color (after stripes, but before orange), and, best part, i got it on sale! was originally over $50, but was out-of-season, so the price dropped to $25, but the man working there who had a voice that always sounded like he was singing the blues, gave me another whatever-percent off for several reasons: 1, it was the last of its kind in stock anywhere in town, 2, i told him he had a cool voice, a sweet shop, and congratulated him on his job, and 3, i think i was his only business that day... so, in the end, the hat came out to $19, plus a hat box, and respect from another hat-collecting tenor who looks a bit like a 20-year-0ld version of Riff-Raff from "Rocky Horror" (i.e., that means I think he's cute), so all's well that ends well.

love this hat!!!!


  1. .... I want a top hat...

    I also want a fedorah, but not as much as a top hat

  2. i whan to throw odd job hats at people and statues.
