Wednesday, May 4, 2011

good ole' summer time...

as we all know, summer is slowly building to its 4-month-long craschendo, and, as the days grow longer, pants, hair, and attention spans are all getting shorter. i thought i'd take this time to talk about summer, what i like and dislike about it, in the sarcastic, yet droning way that only i can do.


~ heat is nice after a cold winter... 'course, i'm a whimp in any temperature...

~ ice cream is always on sale somewhere

~ ..... okay, here is where i would say, "no school," and i could've said that a year or more ago... unfortunately, i have summer classes for college, so that my workloads next semester will not be as stiffiling as they were all this year. but, upside, they are english-based, which i am very good at and enjoy... so, okay, here we go... i get to take speech and fiction for a month and a half

~ SLEEP, BABY!!! HOW I MISS MAKING SWEET, SLUMBERING LOVE TO MY BED!! (it's not something you actually get to do in college, i have learned.)

~ local talent shows and fairs. that's right, 15 minutes of fame, fortune, and corn dogs...

~ corn dogs


~ the sun. i could do without so much of it. i have a somewhat vampiric complexion, and it takes very little solar exposure to make me BURN, BABY, BURN!!

~ the pool. okay, yes, i like the pool, and yes, i love to swim, and no, it's not because i know i'll look fat in my swimsuit (i stopped caring about that a while ago), but it IS the other people at the pool... i'm not what you would call a "people person", and hanging out at the pool means seeing a million people in their intimates, getting wet, bumping into me, spilling food on their bodies and the ground for me to step on later, having rude little pre-teen girls gag at seeing my fat ass in a swimsuit (i know... shut up), and a bunch of rude (w)itches in swimming thongs walking around... slut, cover that up!!! i don't wanna see your ass, and i'm pretty sure that bump there is herpes, and now i don't wanna get in that water.....

~ ice cream is always on sale somewhere

~ losing a talent contest

~ running out of corn dogs

alright, that's all i can think of right now... your turn!!


  1. I agree with you on the sun. One summer, I forgot to put sun tan lotion on and got seriously burnt. (Brace yourself, because the nest part is nasty) I was able to peal a some dead skin that was 1 in for it's height and width. Told ya it was nasty!

  2. Well my summer is gonna suck. I won't be able to see any of my friends!

    But I will look forward to no school.

    And FYI, I call "Corn Dogs" KERN DAWGS!!

  3. belac: not as nasty as i was expecting. one year i got so burnt i bled from every pore, and the blisters on my face were so big, i couldn't see, smell, or open my mouth. that was the year AFTER i fainted in the sun... yeah, it's not really my friend.

    semaj: i keep forgetting about that little fact. i think i do so on purpose. really, really, really, really assy.

    hehehe... kern dawgs... vastly superior to the plain hot dog!
