Friday, July 23, 2010

check out my new quiz....

which of my childhood imaginary friends are you?
the more you read my blog, the deeper into my subconscious you get. if you have not yet run away screaming for your teddy, you are either very brave or very crazy. either way, i commend you. now, get the chance to BECOME (sorta) a part of my subconscious, by taking on the persona of one of my childhood imgaginary friends. don't you feel privelaged?!
now, don't peek, but keep track of your numbers. how many ones, twos, threes, and fours? whatever one you have most of, that's who you are! tra! that easy.
pick an animal.
2.rotwiler. doberman. dog with big teeth
3.dude! fudge-monkey! indestinct, yet quite frightening, beast of some sort.
you're being chased at night by a murderous creep. what do you do?
1.disguise myself as something he/she would not wish to murder...
2.turn around and slap the fool!
3.cry. scream. poop my pants. eventually pass out.
4.i am the murderous creep, but i'm only chasing you for fun. i like to see you scream.
what would you like for dinner?
1.salad. got a cheeseburger, or something?
3.deep-fried, chocolate-coated pizza taco!
4.that mean little boy next door. kabob.
how would others describe you?
2.don't know, they never tell me -- they know if they do, i'm likely to cut 'em.
3.they think i'm a pot head...
pick a card, any card
1.the one on top, please
2.ace of diamonds!
3.uuuuuuuhhhh..... this one....
4.king of spades. no, you can't have it back
2.crap! how'd he find me?!
how do you sleep at night?!
1.what is this "sleep" you speak of?
2.with the music on.
3.after the gas passes, pretty easily.
4.i don't. sleep is for daytime.
what flavor are you?
2.chonacho cheese.
3.colate. duh.
4.A1 steak sauce
what would be your darkest secret?
1.these are synthetic.
2.there's a tattoo on my... somewhere...
3.parental troubles...
4.depends on which night you're talking about.
if you were running drunk and naked accross town, what would you be shouting?
1.fear my magical pickle juice! bow down and fear me!
2.don't hate me because i'm beautiful -- there's pleanty of other reasons!
3.the aliens are back, man! there here for my brains!
mostly 1's = shimmer, the fairy. she was during my girly period, that lasted about a month. i hope to heck you are a girl...
mostly 2's = darnelle, who was born vicariously from my deep desire at age 10 to be black. i was very distraught when my parents told me i would never BE black, so i made her up. that's about it.
mostly 3's = erik, who was a shape-shifting alien (so he can basically be whatever i needed him to be), who, for some reason, most preferred to be a Shaggy-type beach bum "dude." dunno what that says about you.
mostly 4's = grunnel, my very first imaginary friend, the monster in my closet. i was never afraid of the closet monster, because we were already friends. i could tell him anything. i was the only one he showed himself to, but he protected me from idiots my own age. i still talk to him, sometimes.