Friday, February 25, 2011

P-A feb 3: mini-post-apocalyptic survival guide.

we all know the world will eventually end, but we don't know when; best get ready NOW!! here is a mini-survival guide to help you pack for the apocalypse fallout.


- clothes (layers are very important; they can protect you from the sun's harmful un-ozoned rays, as well as the winter chill; you don't want to cary more than one spare shirt or pants because the stuff tends to get bulky; must have a very durable jacket, like leather or lined denim)

- weapons (avoid things that require a constant inflow of ammunition, like guns, flamethrowers, bazookas, and the like, as ammo is hard to come by when wandering the road; if you do happen to find a gun, save it for absolute emergencies; scavanger weapons include: bow and arrows, knives, swords, blunt instruments, and slingshots with versatile pouches)

- food (if you're starting to pack now, get things with a long shelf life; yes, canned foods do tend to last for friggin' ever, but do not travel well; dehydrated or packaged items, like protine or granola bars, which also last much longer than anyone would want them too, are the best choices for a wasteland traveller; start collecting tiny packets of ketchup, mustard, mayo, bbq sauce, and honey now, because you're going to want something to flavor all those granola bars)

- packing device (sturdy backpack, messanger bag, army bag, utility belt, etc.; something easy to carry that packs a load of stuff)


- lots of extra socks, extra pair of shoes (with all the walking, socks will be a commodoty, and in times of war, people have been known to kill for a pair of shoes; it's good to have extras on hand, to prepare for the worst)

- first aid kit (includes band-aids, gauze, wrap and splint, antibiotic ointment, aloe, lotion; fits easily into one medium size pocket in whatever packing device you choose)

- hygine materials (soap, toothbrush and paste; again, people have been known to kill for less)

-scarf, do rag, or scissors (as a road wanderer has better things to worry about than making sure their hair looks nice -- you know, like, survive)

- 2 hats (one wide-brimmed for sunny days, one insulated for cold days)

- disguise material (if you do the fallout right, you'll doubtless work up a reputation; you'll want to enter a community setting to stock up on supplies without everyone you meet wanting to kill you)

- tokens from the past (any small, mundane material, like photos, a book, or small object with a memory behind it; in a world like this, you're going to want to reminesce in the wee hours, take out your tokens, and hold them close as though it could bring the past back to the present; that's how it happens in the movies, anyway)

so, i hope you found this mini-guide helpful, and that you're able to find all your supplies before the end, for it is near!

stay tuned for the final P-A feb article: JOIN ME!!!



  1. Lets not forget the lamp shade. The best way t0 survive the fallout is wearing a lamp shade on your head.....

    ....Puppy biscut....
