Tuesday, May 18, 2010

kids today. oy.

i know it's commonly a generation much older than my own that complain about "kids today." but, as an outside observer, i can also place this judgment, but with more understanding of my own generation -- i am the link between people my age, and the rest of idiocy.

all people, each generation is full of idiots in their own right, just for different reasons. if "kids today" were idiots for the same reasons as previous generations, there wouldn't be any "kids today" talk to speak of.

but, let me shed some light on why "kids today" today are idiots: because the "kids today" of yesterday were idiots, too. that could be broken down into so, so, so many different supports, paragraphs, and quite a rant. but i'm going to foccus on one thing, today:

the phrase uttered by the "kids today" of yesterday, "i would never do this to my kid."

lack of punishment, is essentially what i'm talking about. the "kids today" of yesterday were just so touchy about punishment and what they saw as "justice," that they allowed the "kids today" of today to become whimpy, soft-skinned bullies that do whatever crap they want, because there'll be no real reprocussions to take them down after the deed is done.

i'm talking spankage. none of this "time-out" crap. sure, it may work on some kids (mind you, i was a dang good kid, polite to everyone, if a tad odd, but i never needed to get spanked but a few times in my life), but they are the exceptions to the rule. the results of a hundred "time-outs" in the corner, sent to their room with a t.v., stereo, iPod, computer, and whatever else, could never even come close to the results from a few whacks to the bum.

this doesn't mean "go ahead, smack your kids around, no matter their crime," that's just child abuse (as much as that phrase gets thrown around, these days). yeah, you gotta use a little discretion to discern what's spank-worthy, and what the kid can learn from just talking to them like humans -- equals, even (that's how i turned out so well, i think; mama never "baby-talked" me, didn't patronize me, and spoke to me like my opions and ideas counted).

but, for goodness' sake! don't reward idiocy! don't offer ultimatums! don't try to be the "good guy" and strike a deal! all these things put the kid in power over you! they are the evil masterminds, and you're left the hunchbacked little "yes-master" minions who tend to follow any given subtle order. don't treat them like idiots, but do not allow them to do the same to you.

it is my personal opinion that punnishments should be allowed to be carried out in schools. not lock-you-in-the-bathroom-till-you-write-with-the-write-hand-and-start-your-zeros-from-the-top bad, just enough that, when someone calls the teacher a bitch , said teacher can actually do something about it.

they had coporal punnishment as late as the 1940's. at that time, kids stayed kids for longer, and there was fewer idiocy in the world. sure, it was a simpler time, but it's not like people then were any less stupid than they are now. they were just more well-behaved. why? because it was instilled in their mind at an early age that stupid actions have harsh consequences. likewise, the "kids today" of today have had it in their heads since they could first think that, no matter wha they do, there's no real consequences for their stupidity. because they're idiot parents, and their idiot government is intent on seeing that they all grow up idiots.

so, i guess, to close, here's my point: kids today are idiots, but no more idiotic than their parents were idiots as kids, or their parents, and so forth; they're just handled differently, so that it almost screws up the entire race. congratulations, "kids today" of yesterday, you've destroyed the world for the "kids today" of tomorrow. ya happy? well, are ya, punks?


1 comment:

  1. Thanks for writing on the very thing I requested! I agree with your statement. the "kids these days" (exept me of ourse) are just 100% idiots! They lack discipline and the parents are just as (if not worse) bad as the kid. When I was little, I got a spanking or my mouth washed out with soap when I said "bad words" and you know what? It has turned me into a non-idiot! I never got a deteention in my life! So the key to a good child is DISCIPLINE! I got it, and I hardly ever get in trouble. WOW! Well, good job oh strange one! I'm Lord Semaj and I'll see you later Franki!
