Monday, March 14, 2011

nouns that piss me off

a noun can be either a person, place, thing, or idea. here are the nouns of each category that piss me off.


1. a complete jerk-wad i went to high school with who shall henceforth be referred to as Stuck-Up Preppy Ass-face, SUPA for short (pronounced more like "supper", not "super"). he started out as my best friend (for, like, a year, which is about as long as all my "best friends" last -- except Lord Semaj, who is now going on two years, but to refer to him as merely a "best friend", at least as how i determine one to be, would be an insult... neither time nor place), and was actually an ok guy -- odd, extravorted freak obsessed with broadway shows -- then something went wrong, and he became... mainstream (pardon my french)! he told me at the beginning of high school that i had to be more normal (again, with the french) so that i would not embarrass him like last year... according to my memory, i wasn't the one who threw a chair at the school photographer because he didn't want to lift his chin... neither here nor there... but i tried, because i didn't want to become friendless. sunk into a real depression for supressing my true oddness, and finally realized that a true friend wouldn't want to change me (well, maybe as much as "please don't say that, anymore, it's annoying", but not as much as "i hate your personality, and would prefer you to be a completely different person") and rebelled by coming to school in my favorite cape and combat boots with about eight braids in my hair, and started singing "we're not gonna take it!" when he criticized me for standing out too much. we've hated each other ever since. now he's a prep with no friends and expensive, pre-ripped abercrombie pants. and i'm a total geek with friends who love me and wouldn't ever change me, except for the better, and an entire collection of capes, masks, and tiny bells. who's the loser, now?!

2. my dad. not the one who has adopted me, the one who emotionally abandoned me, before destroying my ability to readily trust. sure, the one who's around now i don't always get along with (but, really, who does get along with their parents all the time?), but at least he is around. that makes him more of a parent than my biological slut-bunny, alcohol-tard of an ejaculation. i've cut off all possible communication with him over a year ago (not that he was begging for "quality time" the previous decade and a half), but every so often i still think of him, all the crap he'd put me through, and the wound reopens, tearing the scar tissue of my heart, and it takes days to heal back up, and in that time i regress to my angry, distrustful state i'd been before (incidentally, the full two and a half years that followed the fallout with the SUPA). sometimes, i even cry.


1. gyms. whether it be the jr. high or high school gymnasium, or a place where people exercise and lift weights, the moment i enter, a lump fills my throat, and i feel completely inadequite and assy as compared to everyone else in there (think the volleyball sequences of the opening credits of "Daria", ... i like Daria).

2. grocery markets. don't really know why. just annoys me.


1. G-strings -- not the musical kinds, but the ass-crawling kind. if a girl wants to wear one, go for it, but i don't wanna friggin' see it! what goes up your ass is none of my business! if it were, i'd be interviewing every guy your slut-bunny-butt has slept with during a drunken stupor. i swear, every time i see a G-string sticking outa someone's crack (non-gender-specific), i just wanna kick them in the face!

2. those new l.e.d. siren lights on top of the cop cars, now. makes them too hard to identify at a distance. i swear, it's like the cop car from some 80's flick mated with Kit from "Night Rider", and that l.e.d. car was the unprotected result...


1. normalcy -- there is no such thing! why are people so desperate to join it? there's nothing like becoming a part of nothing, and even if you succeeded, normal people are alwasys forgotten. those who are now famous, chances are, have never been normal. so, what's the glamour in normalcy? it's dumb!

2. heroism -- too subjective. this culture's heroes are another culture's assassins!! and what makes a hero? the too-bigness-for britches (that's why they wear tights) behavior and self-glorification that all famous heroes show? or overcoming past failures and bettering yourself at whatever the cost, which is more of a "villain" thing?

ok, have to stop, now. am pissing myself off.

what nouns piss you off?


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. uhhh... Preps and those who disciminate us oddities. Those people want evey body to be the same.. they might as well be bricks yelling at rocks for being slightly different... or REALLY different but whatever
