Thursday, December 9, 2010

results to quotes that i greatly enjoy

succumbing to the minorest of pressures in my previous posts, i have posted some of my favorite quotes. congrats-a-million to Lord Semaj for quoting the most and becoming my favorite hunka chocolate. these are the exact translations of the movies/people responsible for these strings of words being strung together for my own daily use. tra-da!

1. Marilyn Monroe (poor girl, both smart and beautiful, got corrupted by Hollywood moguls to only judge herself on public opinion)

2. Jareth, the Goblin King, of "Labyrinth" (from the makers of "Muppets"! i love muppets. and, i must admit, fairy-tale type stories in which the heroine ends up strong and independant.)

3. Charlie Chaplin (freakin' comedic GENIUS! his character creation, the Little Tramp, is both laughable and loveable -- and one of the only characters in history whose rights are owned by the man who first created him!)

4. spoken by the mad wanna-be-vampire servant in "Dracula" (the one with Bela Lugosi, wonderful, delicious scrap of a Hungarian)

5. sang by the grandfather-type character in "Chitty Chitty Bang Bang" (a movie i haven't seen since i was a wee one, when cell phones were still a social commodoty... for some reason, this line has been running around in my head for weeks, so i thought i'd use it)

6. my favorite Shakespeare line (obviously Shakespearian in its phrasing) from which play i am not entirely certian... after so many, they all just sorta bleed together... not the plots, mind you, just the dialogue)

7. spoken by, obviously, inigo montoya from "Princess Bride" (another fairy-tale-type story, where the heroine does NOT end up strong and independant... but, gimme a break, i had a crush on Andre the Giant.)

8. spoken by Freddy Kruger to, duh, Nancy in "Nightmare on Elm Street" (both versions -- the original, through a phone, followed by a poorly-crafted, though hillarious, puppet toungue sticking out of the mouth piece that licks her face -- it makes me giggle -- and in the dumb-slap remake, where Nancy is pinned to a bed in a dress fit for a 6-year-old, where he just looks at her menacingly... i miss the toungue-puppet.)

9. from "O, Brother, Where Art Thou?" (watched it a million times with my biological father in place of human bonding... story lines loosely taken from Homer's "Odyssey")

10. spoken by Dracula to Mina Harker in referance to Dr. Van Helsing in "Dracula" (my beloved Lugosi version) after smashing a mirror in the lid of a cigar box, after exposing his lack of reflection.

11. spoken by Frankenstein's MONSTER to his only true friend, the Blind Man in "Bride of Frankenstein('s MONSTER)" (the calling of the monster by the name of "Frankenstein", as any loyal reader knows, really wrings my moose, man!)

12. spoken by Howard to a scientist who tells him how he can return home in the cheesey, yet fairly good, 80's flick, "Howard the Duck" (the use of puppets and costume to make Howard, as well as the sync of words to the beak all fascinate me, technically... plus, there's some pretty good music and fashion, from a Franki point of view)

13. spoken (via title card) by Erik in the silent Lon Chaney version of "The Phantom of the Opera" (my second-favorite version, headed by the original book by Gaston Leroux, and followed by the 2004 movie adaptation of Andrew Lloyd Webber's musical version -- okay, technically it's an operetta, but let's not go into that, right now.)

alright, i hope you enjoyed this reveal-come-personal explaination of my quotes of high regard!

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