Tuesday, August 24, 2010

if my life had a sound track (part 2)....

you know how important i believe the sound track is to a movie, and that's why i rarely find an art film that tickles my fancy, artist that i am.

so, anyway, i decided on several more musically-based scenes in my not really that possible movie of my life.

first, when i make my grand enterance at the beginning of the film, i'll be walking onto campus in rhythm to the openning riff of AC/DC's "Back in Black" as the camera pans up from my chunky gothic combat boots, up fishnet tights, to a black dress and paint-splattered denim apron, to my spikey brown hair with the big, black bow in it, and then pull away so that, by the time it gets to the part about "cat's eyes" i will be in full frame, and completely awesome. then, a good old-fashioned record scratch as i trip and fall head-first into a metal trash can and roll into the nearest wall. that's a great enterance sequence.

i've also always been fond of high-adreneline chase sequences. car chases, in particular ("Death Race" rocks -- basically ALL car chase! love it!). but, set this to a four-part chorus (soprano, alto, tennor, and base) singing in latin. why latin? because i like the language, and because of the fabulous juxtaposition of car chases, something very modern, and singing in latin, something so old, it's actually a dead language. (think the opening sequence to Disney's version of "The Hunchback of Notre Dame" where judge claude frollo is chasing the gypsey woman, quasimodo's mother, through the streets of paris to the church steps. i have a lot to say about this movie, and Disney's interperatation of it, but we'll save that for later.)

a sequence shared between me and my best friends would be wonderful set, as a montage without sound, to Meat-Loaf's "i'd lie for you (and that's the truth!)" just a properly cut sequence of scenes where we are all going to the drive in, or laughing at the lunch table, or behind the scenes in the school play. this song always reminds me of my friends.

also, at some point, i think it would be great to get in a cameo of david bowie. just 'cause.

anyway, thanks for reading this latest issue of "if my life had a sound track..." the question remains, though; what would you have as YOUR sound track?


  1. ME?! Weeeell, it would first start out with Jimi Hendrix's "purple haze" as I wake up. My whole world is a haze when I first wake up. Then it would move on to Pink Floy'ds "Time", for I am always trying to complete anythings I missed from homework before I leave. Then as I enter school, Black Sabbath's "Paranoid". That whole song is about going outta your mind. And for that matter, why not play Led Zeppelin's "Communication Breakdown" while were at it! Then when I leave school, "YYZ" by RUSH. Because that song kicks ass, and so does leaving that miserable hell-hole! Then when I get home,... "Comftorably Numb" again by Pink Pink Floyd. Because thats how I feel when I lay down on the couch after a hard day.

  2. By the way, I like your idea about David Bowie having a cameo. I bet you wanted him in there just so you could have the right to say you touched his hair! I wanna have Ozzy Osbourne make a cameo for me. He could join us for dinner..... we would have bat-head stew mmmmmm

  3. Thats right! You get 3 whole comments! This one just says..... This is the third comment I made on one post! YAAAY!
