Monday, August 30, 2010

F. U., P.C.!

i hate this new fad that's going around. that, what's it called? oh, yeah, "Politically Correct". that, dear readers, is pure, grade-A crapola! i figure, as long as someone can be kind and decent, there would be no need to be so overly-polite, it's actually more offensive.

i'm not talking something simple, like "African-American" instead of "black." (although, my friend in my art class told me he thinks that's stoopid -- "I never been to Africa; I'm black!") i'm talking something more along the lines of "SLOW" being an acceptable term for for anyone with a mental -- and, sometimes, physical -- detriment. call them what they are -- not what the social populace is most comfortable with.

"SLOW" could mean "retarded", and, yeah i know that word is majorly frowned upon, due to all the idiots (not socially "slow" people -- the people who actually fit in, but are jerks anyway) who use this word to describe everything they find unappealing (that, and "gay," which, if i were going freud on their butts, i'd say it's because they secretly were gay, and wanted to kill that part of themselves... psych class... gotta love it... anyway, digression...). so, because of those non-retarded, possibly gay jerk-wads, "retarded" is a word that freaks everyone out.

but the word "SLOW" is way worse! "retarded," your mind just functions on a different plane, and that's kinda cool. but "SLOW" is like those people who find a retarded kid, and sart talking to him, "heeeeeeeyy theeeeeerre, buuuuu-dyyyyy! myyyy naaaaaame jeeeeeeerrrrrrrrkk-waaaaaaaaaa-duh! dooooooo yooooooouuuuuu uuuuun-duuuurr-staaaaaahhhhhhnnnnn-duh?!" and, first of all, no, they can't understand you, because, unlike you seem to think, he exists at the same vocal speed you do. second of all, they're looking at you, giggling, because you're the one that looks retarded, right now.

the word "SLOW" is also used to describe the autistic, and, on occasion, the dislexic, which is really dumb, considering that, no matter what you say they are to put down their mental capabilities, they're probably twice as smart as you are, in one subject or another. if anything, you should call them "FAST" or, better yet, "UNDERDOG" (i love that cartoon), because they perseveare, despite what they have holding them back.

"SLOW" is also used to indicate sevantism, which is one part selective mutism, and two parts obsession. sevants, i find personally fascinating, because every ounce of energy, every waking moment is dedicated to one thing, and one thing only, be it playing the piano, drawing flowers, or eventually getting to the final numerical digit of pi. it's hard to find where this particular obsession stems from, and even harder to find a way for the public populace to deal with it. most sevants of the world spend their entire lives locked up in a room, or a group facility, where they can carry out their obsessions in peace.

then there's physical ailments that may make the person appear as though they have a mental ailment, such as cerebral paulsey, getting them lumped in with the "SLOW" descriptions. but i can prove this is pure Bubble Snot, because i have personal experience. not me, in particular, but i went to school, from kindergarten all through graduation, with a girl in a wheelchair, who had cerebral paulsey. she controlled her chair with a joystick, had to have her feet strapped down, and couldn't speak coherently, so she used a state-of-the-art touch-screen computer to do her talking for her. now, this is where people start to feel awkward: this girl was obviously not mentally retarded, or anything else. She was smart, and deviously cunning. and a total [witch]. yeah, feel that uneasy churn in your stomach as you read that? that was socially-induced political correctness subconsciously drilled into your head. that's the way everyone felt when i'd gone to them for help, as this girl decided my make my life miserable, getting me in trouble, running over my feet with her weels, throwing herself out of her chair, saying i pushed her, all kinds of crap. but they all thought, she's got a physical ailment, she wouldnt' do that on purpose! of flippin' course she would! because she knew she could get away with it! being in a wheelchair doesn't automatically make you a good person!

anyway, too much rant. next time you use the word "SLOW" think about its meaning, then feel free to use the proper description.

1 comment:

  1. I especially dont like how they call dyslexic kids "Slow". Our dear friend, Elik is dyslexic and is smarter than all the sophmores in school! Guess who else is dyslexic? OZZY OSBOURNE!.... I'll just give you a moment for that to soak in..... Okay, done? Good. Anyway I really like how you write. You add a very nice blend of humor and rant...iness. Great job, Franki!
