Saturday, January 8, 2011

12 things to do in '11

dearest apologies, loyal readers, for my long silence. kinda out of it, and so today's entery will probably be quite awkward as a direct result. shall try harder not to wait so long in the future.

so, today i'm gonna just make a simple list: 12 things i really want to do in 2011. try to do one every month, not necissarily in the order written, then report on it. ta! simple, yeah? 'kay, here ya go.
1. go hiking on the Ridge -- haven't been up there since i was ten years old.
2. convince someone else, maybe more people, to go with me to a Rocky Horror midnight rave -- you know what happens as these things? people yell sarcastic comments at the screen, throw things at other audience members, show up in costume... finally! an even that not only condones, but actually encourages my NORMAL film-watching behavior! (i won't force my travel companions into a costume -- as long as they don't begroan me wearing my own!)
3. get a job.
4. become famous for one whole night.
5. finish writing a novel.
6. really scare someone.
7. spend a day pretending i'm pregnant.
8. go to wal mart, buy a strange combination of objects to creep out the checkout person.
9. spend an entire day without emotions.
10. claim my own country and declare my independance.
11. learn to juggle.
12. make a real difference in one person's life.
some of my loyal readers may wish to help me in some of these endevors. if not, who needs ya! (i do, or my blog would go on completely unread). so, what do you want to do?


  1. I would like to do the following ones with you:
    1, 2, 6, 8 ..... I already did 10.

  2. The following I would like to do: 5,9, 10, 11, and 12. Especcialy #5 since that's one of my resolutions for 2011.
