i don't think i could begin to explain my sorrow at my extended silence on this blog.... so i don't think i will! instead, i'll just jump right in, as though the period of silence never happened....
so i've decided to compile a list of 50 random things that make me happy on the inside. just cause.
- old metal
- sock monkeys
- zombie humor
- movies in general (as long as they have an actual plot)
- mass hysteria over something stupid, as i watch the idiots from the sidelines
- puppies. don't judge.
- the post-apocalypse
- monsters
- car chases
- bats
- water
- heights
- the number 13
- words that sound like other words ("hail", "dam")
- when people argue in other languages
- the sound scissors make
- playing with matches
- juice and doodles as a combination
- pizza
- crazy japanese street fashion
- twilight-haters
- when ballerinas and ice-skaters fail miserably in their routine
- fat babies (as long as they're in someone else's arms, and pay no attention to me... i tend to make babies cry)
- Marvin the Martian
- foam shipping peanuts
- the smell of napalm in the morning
- not being in pain
- live monkeys
- big boots
- awkward people who have no idea how cool they are
- generic-brand cherry pie turnovers
- when jerk-wads get sunburns
- tiny, fuzzy creatures with big eyes (anyone who says otherwise is playing too tough)
- chocolate
- iguanas eating wedding cake
- misguided egomaniacs with an internal struggle
- badass grandmas
- blue jell-o
- guys with physical deformities
- silent films
- goggles
- golden-age NickToons from the '90's and early 2000's
- smart comedy
- crab meat
- "butt"
- the concept of being "princess" of something unusual (pirates, monsters, rust, etc.)
- hats and socks
- ghosts
- whips
- MEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!
ok, that's my welcome-back tour!!! what makes you happy on the inside? (you don't have to do 50 of 'em)
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