wo daoqian, dear readers, for my long silence. busy, busy, busy. (by the way, that was chinese. "i apologise.") i'm a bit out of sorts, and so would like to take this moment to do a short, little post containing a private joke that you probably won't get, as an ice-re-breaker. okay? okay.
here we go.
for those in the know.......
..... CHUCK!!!!! ...........
feichang ganxie, everyone. (thank you very much.)
i like chinese.
Saturday, May 28, 2011
Friday, May 13, 2011
tribute to a hat pt. 3

i wore this sequined tophat as a celebration of the holliday. usually, it's just gold, but i sometimes decorate it with other things, like for new years', i wrapped strands of silver and gold wrapping ribbon around it, letting the excess trail down the back. today, however, for my black catiness, i gave it a black scarf band with silver sequins on it, and cat ears attatched. other costume elements: death-cameo bowtie, black-and-white stripped fingerless kid gloves (get it? kid... kiddy... kitty... never mind...), my "Team Riff-Raff" shirt, black pants (required for the tuxedo i am to wear for tonight's choral concert), and black victorian ankle boots. oh, yeah, and a tail. yeah, that's right, i said tail. on a studded black leather belt. yes, i just told you my whole outfit. and it rocks.
ok, back to the hat.
WHERE I GOT IT: from Lord Semaj for christmas (about thirty seconds after his mother gave it to him). i was told it was used in an actual stage-production of the "Rocky Horror Picture Show" (that's why the Team Riff-Raff shirt), and was probably still drunk from the after-parties and other parties it had been worn to.... sweet!
WHY I LOVE IT: well... it's a friggin' sequined tophat!!! the eccentric burried deep inside me (but not that deep) loves the individuality of it, and the part of me that spilled over from my mother is distracted by the shiney-ness of it, and must hold it and stroke it in the darkness with only the moonlight glinting off its sequins, muttering to myself, "my precioussssss...... my precioussssssss......" also, it kept my head very warm one cold winter's night when my car broke down on the side of the road and i had to wait for an hour for my emergency contact to come and pick me up. probably saved me from hypothermia. i've got a history with this hat with a history.
love this hat.
that was a command, not a comment.
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
tribute to a hat pt. 2
ta-da! purple fedorah, black and white striped band which i added myself.
WHERE I GOT IT: (hat) wal-mart. (band) also wal-mart, but a couple years before... was actually a headband-scarf-thingie.
WHY I LIKE IT: hello, have you seen it?! it's purple! with a black-and-white stripey band! it's funky! it's crazy! it's been known to give people seizures! how could ya not like it?
ok, short post.... later!
Friday, May 6, 2011
tribute to a hat pt. 1
i am an avid collector of hats, and have chosen the next few sessions to show off my favorites. i show this one first, not because it is my most or least favorite of the favorites, but because it just happened to be the one i wore today.
Where I got it: a hat shop (actual hat shop, the first i'd ever been in) on the top floor of the Crown Center (a mall sponsored by Hallmark) in Kansas City where my school choior performed a few weeks ago after miraculously getting my voice back following a horrible sickness.
Why I love it: it's so strange and unusual, sort of a mad cross between a fedorah and a tophat, my two favorite hat types, and it's plaid, which is my second-favorite color (after stripes, but before orange), and, best part, i got it on sale! was originally over $50, but was out-of-season, so the price dropped to $25, but the man working there who had a voice that always sounded like he was singing the blues, gave me another whatever-percent off for several reasons: 1, it was the last of its kind in stock anywhere in town, 2, i told him he had a cool voice, a sweet shop, and congratulated him on his job, and 3, i think i was his only business that day... so, in the end, the hat came out to $19, plus a hat box, and respect from another hat-collecting tenor who looks a bit like a 20-year-0ld version of Riff-Raff from "Rocky Horror" (i.e., that means I think he's cute), so all's well that ends well.
love this hat!!!!
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
good ole' summer time...
as we all know, summer is slowly building to its 4-month-long craschendo, and, as the days grow longer, pants, hair, and attention spans are all getting shorter. i thought i'd take this time to talk about summer, what i like and dislike about it, in the sarcastic, yet droning way that only i can do.
~ heat is nice after a cold winter... 'course, i'm a whimp in any temperature...
~ ice cream is always on sale somewhere
~ ..... okay, here is where i would say, "no school," and i could've said that a year or more ago... unfortunately, i have summer classes for college, so that my workloads next semester will not be as stiffiling as they were all this year. but, upside, they are english-based, which i am very good at and enjoy... so, okay, here we go... i get to take speech and fiction for a month and a half
~ SLEEP, BABY!!! HOW I MISS MAKING SWEET, SLUMBERING LOVE TO MY BED!! (it's not something you actually get to do in college, i have learned.)
~ local talent shows and fairs. that's right, 15 minutes of fame, fortune, and corn dogs...
~ corn dogs
~ the sun. i could do without so much of it. i have a somewhat vampiric complexion, and it takes very little solar exposure to make me BURN, BABY, BURN!!
~ the pool. okay, yes, i like the pool, and yes, i love to swim, and no, it's not because i know i'll look fat in my swimsuit (i stopped caring about that a while ago), but it IS the other people at the pool... i'm not what you would call a "people person", and hanging out at the pool means seeing a million people in their intimates, getting wet, bumping into me, spilling food on their bodies and the ground for me to step on later, having rude little pre-teen girls gag at seeing my fat ass in a swimsuit (i know... shut up), and a bunch of rude (w)itches in swimming thongs walking around... slut, cover that up!!! i don't wanna see your ass, and i'm pretty sure that bump there is herpes, and now i don't wanna get in that water.....
~ ice cream is always on sale somewhere
~ losing a talent contest
~ running out of corn dogs
alright, that's all i can think of right now... your turn!!
~ heat is nice after a cold winter... 'course, i'm a whimp in any temperature...
~ ice cream is always on sale somewhere
~ ..... okay, here is where i would say, "no school," and i could've said that a year or more ago... unfortunately, i have summer classes for college, so that my workloads next semester will not be as stiffiling as they were all this year. but, upside, they are english-based, which i am very good at and enjoy... so, okay, here we go... i get to take speech and fiction for a month and a half
~ SLEEP, BABY!!! HOW I MISS MAKING SWEET, SLUMBERING LOVE TO MY BED!! (it's not something you actually get to do in college, i have learned.)
~ local talent shows and fairs. that's right, 15 minutes of fame, fortune, and corn dogs...
~ corn dogs
~ the sun. i could do without so much of it. i have a somewhat vampiric complexion, and it takes very little solar exposure to make me BURN, BABY, BURN!!
~ the pool. okay, yes, i like the pool, and yes, i love to swim, and no, it's not because i know i'll look fat in my swimsuit (i stopped caring about that a while ago), but it IS the other people at the pool... i'm not what you would call a "people person", and hanging out at the pool means seeing a million people in their intimates, getting wet, bumping into me, spilling food on their bodies and the ground for me to step on later, having rude little pre-teen girls gag at seeing my fat ass in a swimsuit (i know... shut up), and a bunch of rude (w)itches in swimming thongs walking around... slut, cover that up!!! i don't wanna see your ass, and i'm pretty sure that bump there is herpes, and now i don't wanna get in that water.....
~ ice cream is always on sale somewhere
~ losing a talent contest
~ running out of corn dogs
alright, that's all i can think of right now... your turn!!
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